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Cerebro Desktop
How Do I Know That the System Suits My Needs?
Where Can I Download the App for My OS?
Error “You’ve Exceeded the License Limit for Universe XXX...” When Creating a Task or Message
Error “Error: User Was Killed” After Authorization
‘Connection Failed’ Error During Authorization
How Do I Delete My Account From a Universe (Company)?
I Don’t Want to Receive Email Notifications
Can’t Download a File Using the Cerebro Client or Upload a File to Cerebro
How Do I Highlight Workdays and Weekends on the Gantt Chart?
How Do I Free Space in the Cloud or Local Storage?
I Deleted Tasks or Messages, but the Storage Space Wasn’t Freed
How Do I Restore an Accidentally Deleted Task or Message?
How Do I Launch the Cerebro Client Automatically on OS Startup?
How Can I Set Up Email and Cerebro App Notifications?
How Can I Change Where Files Are Saved or Downloaded to on My Local Device?
I Forgot My Password. How Can I Restore Password for Cerebro Client?
Why Can’t the User Switch the Task Status to a Certain One?
I Can’t Change the Task Status, the Status I Need Isn’t on the List
What Is the Difference Between a Standard, Freelance and an Email User?
Our Company Uses Various Operating Systems. How Can Users of One OS (For Example, Macos) Open Files That Were Sent to the Server From Another OS (For Example, Windows)?
Our Company Is Changing Its External Ip Address or DNS Name. What Settings Do We Need to Change for Cerebro to Work Correctly?
How Do I Set Up Permissions for Users?
Issues With Access Speeds / Low Work Speed
Cerebro Client Crashes
How Do I Restore a Deleted User?
How Can I Change the File Structure in the Cargador Storage, Set up a Tree Structure According to the Project Tree?
As an Administrator or Supervisor, Can I Log in as a User in User Emulation Mode?
What Limits Are There for the File Storage Size, the Number of Tasks and Messages?
Task Status Changes on Its Own
Can’t Change the Status. The Status Is Available in the List, but Nothing Happens When Changing the Status and It Remains the Same
Need to Change the Email of a Standard User or Email-User
Need to Change the Name or Other Information of a Standard Cerebro User
Is It Possible to Add Custom Fields or Properties to a Task?
How Do I Change the Universe’s Name?
How Can I Send a File to a User That Doesn’t Use Cerebro?
How Can I Clear the Cerebro Cache or Delete Downloaded Files (Pictures, Videos, Comments and So On) From Local Hard Drive?
Can’t Reset My Password: Getting a Message That This Email Doesn’t Exist/the Email Is Wrong
How Do I Give a User Administrator Permissions?
How Can I Delete a User?
How Do I Remove My Account From the Universe?
Are There Favorite Tasks in Cerebro? How Can I Navigate My Favorites?
How Can I Change the Interface Language?
Comment Authors’ Names Aren’t Visible in the Forum. Why Aren’t All Users of My Company Visible?
How Can I Log in as Another User or Change Accounts?
In the Search Tab, Only 1000 Tasks/Messages/Attachments Are Visible. How Do I Remove This Limit?