Even if you installed the database on a RAID storage, you should back it up from time to time, preferrably on a separate physical storage.
You can use our backup script as a template:
VER=date +'%F_%H.%M'
sudo -u postgres -- pg_dumpall -U sa -g -f "$outGlob"
if [ $? != 0 ];then exit $?;fi;
sudo -u postgres -- pg_dump -U sa -f "$outLoc" -F c memoria
if [ $? != 0 ];then exit $?;fi;
find $BAK_PATH -type f \! -newermt '1 month ago' -exec rm {} \;
The script creates sets of independent backups with the date of creation included in the filename. Backups are deleted in 1 month after creation.
The script requires local database authentication without password (see settings of pg_hba.conf in “Launching and Configuring a Database Server”).
This script should be launched from time to time. For example, in Linux, corresponding settings in /etc/crontab can look like this:
0 */4 * * * root /usr/local/bin/memo_back
(the script launches every four hours).
In Windows you have to modify the script and use the Task Scheduler to start the script.