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Basic Parameters of a File Storage
Cerebro Support avatar
Written by Cerebro Support
Updated over a week ago

You can set basic parameters of the service by editing three settings in the main.conf file, the sample file is available in the package. The default file looks like following:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- basic main.conf for cargador SERVICE/DAEMON -->
<debugLevel Value="2"/>
<path Value="*** WHERE STORE LOG FILES ***"/>

<root Value="*** local path to catalog ***" />
<net_root Value="*** network path to catalog ***" />

As you see, the information is saved in XML format, so you need to set three path values as follows.

  • log/path — path to the folder to store log files. In practice, log files can be very helpful sometimes, although you can switch the logging off deleting this key.You can adjust the debugging level by changing the debugLevel parameter (0 - inothing will be displayed, 10 - everything will be displayed).

​You have to specify an existing (best if dedicated) folder for Cargador log files. Cargador must have write permissions in this folder, so we recommend to make the cargador user the owner of the folder.

​Under Linux, if you initially launch Cargador with root permissions, it will create a log file which it won’t be able to overwrite later if launched with restricted permissions.

​Under Linux, if you initially launch Cargador with root permissions, then Cargador will create several service files which it won’t be able to overwrite later if launched with restricted permissions.

  • cargador/net_root — a network path for clients to access files in the catalogue.If you use client applications for different operating systems, these paths will be different for them, so yuo should specify only one of the paths here (Windows path, for example). Corresponding paths for other operating systems can be set up later, with directory mapping (see chapter “Directory Mapping”).

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