By selecting certain criteria you can set the parameters based on which data will be represented in the My Space section. The list of criteria is divided into the following classes:
General — main dashboard parameters;
By tasks — list of task attributes;
By task tags — list of created tags;
By messages — list of message attributes;
By attachments — list of attached files attributes.
Projects — you can determine the list of projects that provide data for selection;
Hashtags — you can determine the list of hashtags used for selection.
By tasks
Assigned users;
Last level task — task that does not have any subtasks. Available options: yes, no;
Last task message visible to clients;
Last task report approved — tasks where last report has been approved;
Subscribed users;
Task activity;
Task reported hours (users) — the number of hours submitted by the project's executors in Reports upon task completion. It is possible to select the exact parameter value or set limits (more/less);
Task reported hours (resources) — the number of hours submitted by the project's executors in Resource Reports upon task completion. It is possible to select the exact parameter value or set limits (more/less);
Task as event;
Task budget;
Task budget expenses — the amount of payments specified in the task Budget;
Task checklist;
Task cost overdraft;
Task created by — task creator;
Task creation time;
Task deadline;
Task declared hours (resourses);
Task declared hours (users);
Task has personal note;
Task hours overdraft — the difference between the planned number of hours for the project/task and the reported number of hours upon completion. It is possible to select the exact parameter value or set limits (more/less);
Task is archived;
Task is deleted;
Task is favorite;
Task level — the level of task grouping according to the project structure;
Task modification time;
Task modified by — selection of users who have made changes to the task properties;
Task name;
Task path — you can determine the desired branch in the task structure to form the selection;
Task personal note;
Task planned hours;
Task priority;
Task progress;
Task start;
Task status;
Task status type — you can determine the task stage for the selection, namely:
In work;
Task without assigned users — there are no users assigned to the task. Available options: yes, no;
Task without status;
Type of the latest task message.
You need to create a list of completed concept art tasks. For this purpose, you should:
Add selection criteria:
Task status;
Task activity type.
2. Set the values:
concept art.
As a result, you will get a table with a list of tasks according to the specified criteria.
By task tags
Tag without value;
List of task tags created by users of the universe.
By messages
Last message with the attached file;
Message author;
Message creation time;
Message is deleted;
Message likes;
Message modification time;
Message text;
Message type;
Message visible to clients;
Message with status;
Report approved hours;
Report declared hours;
Report rating;
User mentioned.
By attachments
Attachment creation time;
Attachment file size;
Attachment info;
Attachment is approved;
Attachment is deleted;
Attachment name;
Attachment type;
Attachment with review.
You need to find all the attachments uploaded today. For this purpose, you should:
Add selection criterion: Attachment creation time.
Set the criterion value: for the last 1 day.
As a result, you will get a table that displays a list of tasks in which the last file has been uploaded today.