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My Space: Selection Сriteria
Cerebro Support avatar
Written by Cerebro Support
Updated over a week ago

By selecting certain criteria you can set the parameters based on which data will be represented in the My Space section. The list of criteria is divided into the following classes:

  • General — main dashboard parameters;

  • By tasks — list of task attributes;

  • By task tags — list of created tags;

  • By messages — list of message attributes;

  • By attachments — list of attached files attributes.


  • Projects — you can determine the list of projects that provide data for selection;

  • Hashtags — you can determine the list of hashtags used for selection.

By tasks

  • Assigned users;

  • Last level task — task that does not have any subtasks. Available options: yes, no;

  • Last task message visible to clients;

  • Last task report approved — tasks where last report has been approved;

  • Subscribed users;

  • Task activity;

  • Task reported hours (users) — the number of hours submitted by the project's executors in Reports upon task completion. It is possible to select the exact parameter value or set limits (more/less);

  • Task reported hours (resources) — the number of hours submitted by the project's executors in Resource Reports upon task completion. It is possible to select the exact parameter value or set limits (more/less);

  • Task as event;

  • Task budget;

  • Task budget expenses — the amount of payments specified in the task Budget;

  • Task checklist;

  • Task cost overdraft;

  • Task created by — task creator;

  • Task creation time;

  • Task deadline;

  • Task declared hours (resourses);

  • Task declared hours (users);

  • Task has personal note;

  • Task hours overdraft — the difference between the planned number of hours for the project/task and the reported number of hours upon completion. It is possible to select the exact parameter value or set limits (more/less);

  • Task is archived;

  • Task is deleted;

  • Task is favorite;

  • Task level — the level of task grouping according to the project structure;

  • Task modification time;

  • Task modified by — selection of users who have made changes to the task properties;

  • Task name;

  • Task path — you can determine the desired branch in the task structure to form the selection;

  • Task personal note;

  • Task planned hours;

  • Task priority;

  • Task progress;

  • Task start;

  • Task status;

  • Task status type — you can determine the task stage for the selection, namely:

    • Pending;

    • In work;

    • Completed/Closed.

  • Task without assigned users there are no users assigned to the task. Available options: yes, no;

  • Task without status;

  • Type of the latest task message.


You need to create a list of completed concept art tasks. For this purpose, you should:

  1. Add selection criteria:

  • Task status;

  • Task activity type.

2. Set the values:

  • completed;

  • concept art.

As a result, you will get a table with a list of tasks according to the specified criteria.

By task tags

  • Tag without value;

  • List of task tags created by users of the universe.

By messages

  • Last message with the attached file;

  • Message author;

  • Message creation time;

  • Message is deleted;

  • Message likes;

  • Message modification time;

  • Message text;

  • Message type;

  • Message visible to clients;

  • Message with status;

  • Report approved hours;

  • Report declared hours;

  • Report rating;

  • User mentioned.

By attachments

  • Attachment creation time;

  • Attachment file size;

  • Attachment info;

  • Attachment is approved;

  • Attachment is deleted;

  • Attachment name;

  • Attachment type;

  • Attachment with review.


You need to find all the attachments uploaded today. For this purpose, you should:

  1. Add selection criterion: Attachment creation time.

  2. Set the criterion value: for the last 1 day.

As a result, you will get a table that displays a list of tasks in which the last file has been uploaded today.

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