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Debug configuration
Cerebro Support avatar
Written by Cerebro Support
Updated over a week ago

Before you implement a configuration or change it for your universe, you can pre-test and fix it using debug mode.

To enable the debug mode:

  • Open the Administrator window (Main menu - Tools - Administrator...).

  • Click on the Universe tab;

  • Go to the Tentaculo section;

  • In this section, enable the "Enable the debugging mode" checkbox. After enabling this checkbox, a configuration download for debug mode will be available.

Apply Use built-in Tentaculo for debugging checkbox if you do not use an external plugin. After enabling this checkbox the plugin will be installed on your computer (if it was not installed earlier) and Cerebro will ask you to restart the application.

Load the debug configuration using the "Load debugging configuration from the file..." button. This configuration will be available only to those who will have "Enable the debugging mode". For other users, the basic configuration will be used at this time. In this way, you can load and debug the configuration until you are sure that everything works correctly and meets your requirements. You can also ask one of your colleagues to enable the debug mode to check if it works on other computers. Once enabled, he will have the configuration you have downloaded.

When debugging is complete, download the configuration for all users of your universe by clicking "Load the configuration setting from file".

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