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Cerebro System Update
Cerebro Support avatar
Written by Cerebro Support
Updated over a week ago

Cerebro system has a modular structure, that means it consists of several loosely bound components. In general, these components are:

  • Database is a central component of the system. Contains user accounts, projects, tasks, messages, access rights, etc. PostgreSQL is used as DBMS (;

  • File storage is a server which runs Cargador service. It is responsible for storing all Cerebro files on your disks;

  • Mailing Server sends e-mail notifications on behalf of Cerebro and processes emails received from users. Cargador service is used to perform these tasks, so mailing component is often located on the same server as the file storage;

  • Web-server is the server with special software that allows you to access the Cerebro system directly through Web-browser (without Cerebro client module).

  • Client Module is a program that runs on end-user workstations, and exchanges data with server components (database, file storage).

For different types of Cerebro system deployment, composition and location of its components can vary greatly from “cloud” service to the fully local system.

According to pricing plans ( there are several different options for deploying Cerebro. The following sections are describing the update procedures needed for each option.

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