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Adding Active Directory User Accounts to Cerebro
Cerebro Support avatar
Written by Cerebro Support
Updated over a week ago

After you have configured the synchronization (see chapters above) you can import user accounts from ActiveDirectory to Cerebro.

It is done in the Administrator window (Main menu-Tools-Administrator...), on the Users tab.

You can either create new Cerebro accounts, or bind existing Cerebro accounts with corresponding ActiveDirectory credentials.

Binding Credentials

If a user has separate accounts for Cerebro and for ActiveDirectory, you can bind them together. After that the Cеrebro account will gain some attributes of the domain account, such as user’s name and e-mail, and the user will be able to log into Cerebro with the domain credentials.

To bind the accounts together, select user from the list and switch their account type from Standard to ActiveDirectory as shown below.

You can use the Ctrl key to select multiple accounts at once to switch them to AD-type accounts simultaneously.

After you change Cerebro account type, a new window will appear where you should select a corresponding domain account to bind it with.

The top checkbox filters ActiveDirectory accounts and displays only those that match with user profiles in Cerebro.

Adding New User Accounts

Run a corresponding wizard to add user accounts from ActiveDirectory.

On the first step you can select one or more user accounts which you want to add to Cerebro. The next steps are the same as those for creating new users from scratch. The difference is that when wizard finds user profiles that match with Cerebro user accounts (marked in blue), it offers you to bind them together.

The ActiveDirectory users whose accounts have been added to Cerebro will be able to log into Cerebro using their ActiveDirectory credentials from now on.

If you want to disconnect an ActiveDirectory user account from its Cerebro counterpart, switch the Cerebro account type back to Standard.

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