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Task Manager
Cerebro Support avatar
Written by Cerebro Support
Updated over a week ago

Task Manager is a tool for performing different actions on tasks, posts and attachments conveniently - namely, navigation, copying, moving, etc. Task Manager is a twin-panel GUI application.

To launch the Task Manager, use the corresponding button on the main toolbar or the button from the Tools drop-down menu.

You can switch between panels using the left mouse button, or by pressing the Tab button on your keyboard. To switch between elements on one panel, use the Ctrl+Tab hotkey combination.

Lower part of the window is a home to a panel of functional hotkeys. By pressing any of those buttons or any corresponding F1 - F10 keys, you can activate following functions:

  • F1 — Help;

  • F2 Task Manager Panel sync. Opposite panel gets the current task from your active panel;

  • F3 Forum;

  • F5 Copying Tasks and Posts;

  • F6 Moving Tasks and Posts;

  • F7 Creating new Tasks and Posts;

  • F8 Removing Tasks and Posts;

  • F9 Cross-panel mode. By toggling this mode, Forum and Task Properties of a selected task will be displayed in the opposite Task Manager tab;

  • F10 Close Task Manager.

Pressing some of these buttons with the Ctrl or Shift modifier keys allows you to perform other functions:

  • Ctrl+F5 — Copy a link;

  • Ctrl+F6 Move, leaving a link behind;

  • Ctrl+F7 Search;

  • Shift+F5 Special copying.

You can perform Copy, Move and Remove actions on several items at once. In the Navigator or Search window you can hold the Ctrl or Shift modkeys to select either a range of elements, or several different elements at once. On the Forum, use checkboxes on the top left side of the message to select several forum posts.

Аbove Functional Hotkeys panel there are Back and Forward buttons, and the navigation bar.

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